
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Psalm 119:105

Good morning everyone!!! I trust you had a great and safe 4th of July. Does England have a 4th of July? Why, of course they do, they just don't celebrate it. lol Sorry, an old, old joke. Do you get up, think about what you have and need to do, and go forth? I do many times, but what do I forget????? Yes, putting all my faith in the word and totally trusting in the word of God. Psalm 119:105 "YOUR WORD IS A LAMP UNTO MY FEET, AND A LIGHT TO MY PATH." Now, just think about this for an instant. The Bible was written hundreds of years ago, yet it is as applicable today and it was for David, Solomon, Paul, Timothy, Peter,...... There are not a lot of complicated rules and regs to follow; and stories and examples are given to help us understand. Are you allowing the word of God to be your light? Or..... are you leaning on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 "TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING." Okay, so......what does this mean? Peter saw Jesus after he calmed the waters and what was Jesus doing? Yes, he was walking on the water!!! Peter stepped out and did what? Peter walked on water also, but how did he do this? He trusted in the Lord, he had no doubt, he just walked on water. Then what happened? Well, Peter, after stepping out in faith and walked, began to lean or listen to his own understanding, he took his eyes off JESUS!!! When his understanding hit, it was aught oh, I am walking on water and we are supposed to swim or sink.....we can't walk on water. Well, he was fine when he had his eyes on Jesus and Peter was indeed walking on water. When he sank.....guess who had to pull him to safety? Yes......JESUS!! Read your Bible, study your Bible, for this is your roadmap to eternal life. Once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour we are not to go to the recliner, click on the tv and do no more. Stay in the word and grow, grow in Jesus!! Will you sin? yes, but you are forgiven and you continue to grow. God loves you. I love you. You love you. So, let's all grow together and enjoy eternal life together. Thanks for reading.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny


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