
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ash......Ash Wednesday

Good morning everyone!! Another lovely day to be alive in the LORD! Lent is interesting, I hope yesterdays information was informative for you as it was for me. Well, what is Ash Wednesday? Okay, here is what I have found on Ash Wednesday.

What’s the reason for ashes on Ash Wednesday?

As you know, Jesus retreated into the wilderness and fasted for forty days to prepare for his ministry. It was for Him a time of contemplation, reflection, and preparation. By observing Lent, most Christians join Jesus on His retreat.

Lent consists of the forty days before Easter. In the western Church, we skip over the Sundays when we count the days of Lent, because Sunday is always the joyful celebration of the Resurrection. Therefore, the first day of Lent in the western Church is always a Wednesday.

Biblical societies relied very heavily on wood fires for heating and cooking, which meant that keeping ashes under control was a major housekeeping task. Then as now, if a person was preoccupied with something serious, they didn’t always tend to the housekeeping—it’s the least of their concerns. Imagine that there is a death in the family. A friend stopping by to pay their respects might gently say, “Did you know you have ashes on your face?”

So ashes became a sign of remorse, repentance, and mourning. Today someone might wear a black armband to signify that they are in mourning; back then people put ashes on their foreheads.

Thank you for reading with me. I hope you are gaining as much insight as I am. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Love you all.
Mark 1:15 "The time promised by God has come at last! The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!

In Christ's Love and Grace




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