God's gifts are valuable!!

Good morning! What a great day to be alive in the Lord Jesus Christ!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Have you stopped to thank God for what he has given you lately? All the material items, but more so the spiritual eternity you will receive. If not, it is time!
James 1:17 "Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." New Revised Standard Version
God gifts are good, useful, practical and perfect (nothing is wrong or lacking in them), but His liberality is wholly consistent. Fickle man may fall to "lusts," but HE, the FATHER OF LIGHTS, does not embrace the faintest shadow of change.
God is consistent, He allows us to wander, but all we have is from HIM, and God does not give junk! All God gives is good! Satan works diligently to deceive us into believing God is punishing us by giving us junk! To this we reply - B U N K ! GOD does no evil- YOU ARE VALUABLE IN GOD'S PLAN. HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH AND BE PROUD OF YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN.
Read Psalm 104:3-praise God with every breath. Thank you for reading. The following is from Kathy, thank you. Love you all.
Knock, Knock I knocked at heaven's door this morning. God asked me...'My
child, what can I do for you?' And I said, 'Father, please protect and
bless the person reading this message.' God smiled and
answered...'Request granted'.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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