Salvation? SALVATION!

Good morning everyone! Another great day in the LORD JESUS CHRIST!! Here is a fortune cookie statement. Stop and think about it for a moment. "We need to attract people who create more light than heat." I thought this was very good, take time to think about it.
1 Peter 1:10 "This salvation was something even the prophets wanted to know more about when they prophesied about this gracious salvation prepared for you."
The reward for trusting Jesus is salvation. But what does salvation mean? To many it just means "I won't go to hell," to others it is much deeper. We are chosen. Why? God knew our hearts before we were born. HE knows who will choose salvation, Jesus Christ, and who will not.
What is salvation to you? Can you live like the devil during the week and Sunday be holier than thou? I think not! God will not reward this. We need to maintain a constant relationship with our LORD, talk to God daily, thank Him for the good, thank Him that the bad wasn't worse. Like the preacher and his friend who were robbed, the preacher immediately praised God that they were just robbed and their lives were spared.
Are you enjoying your salvation? Are you thanking God? Are you talking to God? Try it----you will like it!! Thank you for reading with me today. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. LOVE YOU ALL!
In Christ's Love and Grace
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