Nahum 1:12 Safe, no more affliction
Good morning everyone!! Today, is it: "Oh God, it's morning; or "Good morning God!" God is good all the time, all the time God is good.
The book of Nahum we are having trouble with Nineveh. Nineveh seems to consistently do "evil" and turn from God. Can you say, "LORD JESUS come into my heart and remove all evil and cleanse me as you died and shed your blood for me?"
Cast off that evil tendency, i.e. "lust!" Lust seems to be able to cover most of our negative thoughts; envy, greed, sexual thoughts, looks, etc. We may feel safe because it is all in our mind, but GOD knows. A good daily prayer is asking God to clean our hearts and fill it with the love of Jesus.
Nahum 1:12 "Thus says the LORD: "Though they are safe, and likewise many, yet in this manner they will be cut down when he passes through. Though I have afflicted you, I will afflict you no more."
We have talked about the power of God and his anger when we put other Gods before him, when we practice evil ways. Here Nahum says they will be cut down, but then there will be no more affliction. My question to you is WHY?
In Christ's Love and Grace
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