
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Matthew 12:34 Brood of snakes

Good morning all!! Another great day to be alive in the LORD JESUS CHRIST!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! So, did you decide how your fruit is? Is it good, fresh and enjoyable or rotting and foul to the taste?

Matthew 12:34 "You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say."

Jesus reminds us that what we say reveals what is in our heart. What we say is an indication of what is truly in our heart. Evil or good!? What kinds of words come from your mouth?

Cleaning up your speech does not solve the heart problem. The Holy Spirit must come and fill you will new attitudes and motives. Some evil people say what is expected only to achieve their devious means. Do you sit with snakes or angels?

Jesus is the answer for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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