Psalm 101:2-5 Are you blameless?
Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.
David prayed to walk a blameless path; to live with integrity we have to try and depends on God's help.
Psalm 101:2-5 "I will be careful to live a blameless life-when will you come to help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly, I will have nothing to do with them. I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride."
David may have written this psalm early in his reign as king as he set down the standards he wanted to follow. David knew that to lead a blameless life he would need God's help. If you will look at the scripture above.
We can lead a blameless live if we avoid looking at wickedness.
We can lead a blameless live if we avoid evil thoughts.
We can lead a blameless live if we avoid slander.
We can lead a blameless live if we avoid pride.
We can lead a blameless live if we let God's word show us the standards by which to live.
Are you blameless? If not, what are you doing to become blameless? Do you pray for forgiveness, guidance, for God's lead and then do it your own way? Let go, let God! Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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