
Friday, September 24, 2010

Titus 3:2 Gossip, brawler or Kind and humble?

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

Do you ask God for a revival and ask it to begin with you?

Yesterday we talked about our obedience in the world, to rulers and laws of the land. To continue this thought let's go to:

Titus 3:2 KJV "To speak evil of no man to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men."

To speak evil of no man, from which we get blaspheme (Gr blasphemeo). Usually this is used with reference toGod but here it is to men also. How awful and sad to hear so much of this done among Christians today, even of one another. This refers to the world primarily, name-calling is not a Christian's prerogative and especially of a brother in the LORD.

Brawler means "not a contentious person." It is usually the contentious who speak evil of others. Gentle usually refers to our outward conduct while meekness to inward attitude. Meekness can also be said as show true humility which is a highly important quality in the Bible. Meekness or humility comes down to having an honest estimate of ourselves before God. We show false humility when we project negative worth on our abilities and efforts. We show pride when we inflate the value of our efforts or look down on others.

True humility, meekness, seeks to view our character and accomplishments honestly. We can recognize that we have succeeded in an effort without being prideful. So, who are you today? A gossiper, brawler, prideful or gentle, kind and humble? It is between you and God. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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