
Friday, May 25, 2012

Miss the Mark? 2 Timothy 2:18

Good morning my fine friends! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

Well? How is your canker, your gangrene? Is it in the blood, or have you had the transfusion, the transfusion from Christ's blood to cleanse you?

2 Timothy 2:18 "Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some."

Erred - Greek astocheo - means to deviate or miss the mark. We get bogged down debating such vain babblings to the point it only harms and pollutes. This must be avoided.

Sometimes we are so 'heavenly minded' that we are 'no earthly good.' Why DO we miss the mark? Satan is really good at what he does. Sometime read C.S. Lewis' the Screwtape Letters for a different perspective.

Anyway, Satan does a good job of getting us to worry about the type of music we have in church, if it should be just piano and organ or a 'band.' We argue about baptism - dunking or sprinkling; speaking in tongues - alive today or died at pentecost. And we could go on and on. Who really cares? Our focus should be just 5 letters - J E S U S .

A new Christian, a veteran Christian coming back into the flock what do they need? They need to be nurtured in the Word of God, not arguments and pushed into picking sides. They need, first, J E S U S; then they need to study the Word! Do your part, don't deviate, but share the Word with someone, anyone today; wife, child, neighbor, worker, homeless, or study for yourself. As Nike would say, "Just do it!" Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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