
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Fisher's of men Luke 5: 1-11

Good morning everyone. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

    Yesterday, while having lunch at a small diner in Fort Worth I spoke to a lady who worked for the state of Texas.   After a brief visit we realized each other were Christians and then re-engaged in conversation.  After eating and upon leaving, as I was preparing to back out she exited and happened to be parked next to me.  She asked me a question and I am going to share this with you.  She said:
      "Are you in the ministry?"

   Now what would your answer be?  I, of course, hesitated a moment, stammered out a slow NO, then recanted and said, well yes in a way.  We talked again briefly about our role as a Christian believer.  Jesus Christ did not say follow me and be quiet.  He said come and be fishers of men.  That is our calling.

   What did Jesus say to Simon Peter?  Jesus was preaching to the people from Simon's boat and told him to push out into the water. Jesus sat in the boat and preached to the crowd from there.  When finished Jesus told Simon to go out where it is deeper and let down their nets again.  Simon explained they fished all night and did not catch a thing, but okay they would do this.  After DOING WHAT JESUS SAID their nets were so full they were beginning to tear.

   Another boat came to help and both boats were full, close to sinking. Simon Peter suddenly realized this miracle, a miracle from God, then he realized how insignificant he really was.  He told Jesus to please leave as he was a sinner and not worthy to be around Him.  Jesus said to him, "Don't be afraid! From now on you will be fishers of men."

   Two things happened here and we need to be aware of.  First, we are sinners and not worthy; second, follow Jesus!  Very simple.  Now back to the question, 'are you in the ministry?'  Yes, you are in the ministry.  I am in the ministry.  We, you and I are fishers of men.  We don't have to wear the collar, have the diploma, we are ordained by a higher and mighty authority - GOD!

   Go forth my brothers and sisters in Christ, share your ministry and spread the good news of our saviour - JESUS CHRIST!  Tell someone about Jesus today my friend. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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