Ask in HIS name! John 14:13
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
So, what is in your melting pot today? We all have perils.....what is yours? Your job? Children? Spouse? Mom or Dad? Step-mom or dad? Co-workers? Budget? Or ??????
John 14:13 "Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."
Note this verse, many times we repeat these words but the short phrase "in My name" tends to go unnoticed. Then we quote that whatever we ask-He will do. The "in My name" is very important here. We are doing this according to God's character and will. Let me tell you a short story about a little boy at Christmas.
The little boy, call him Johnny, really wanted a stagecoach for Christmas and while out with his mother he saw a 6 inch long stagecoach, pretty wheels, cool dark brown horses pulling it, and he was smitten. He begged his mother for this stagecoach and, of course, mom said to wait and see what Christmas brings.
Christmas morn Johnny was up early, excited, when the whole family got up it was time to open presents. Oh, joy, yea!!!! Johnny was sure he had received the stagecoach for Christmas and when he opened his present - but what did he see - the exact stagecoach he had begged for. He was excited, overjoyed, that is until his brother told him.............
His brother told him that their mother had bought him a bigger stagecoach than this 6 inch one, but because he begged soooo much, mom took it back and exchanged it for this smaller one that HE REALLY WANTED.
Does this sound like you when you talk to God? You beg and pray and plead for something that may not be exactly what God had planned to give you, but we want to tell Him how He should answer OUR PRAYER! God may give us exactly what we want, as long as it is not contrary to his nature or will, but had we waited.....He may have had something better in mind!
I, personally, had prayed for ten years and wanted to tell God how to do it. When I finally LET GO & LET GOD my prayer was answer. This struggling little dandelion turned into a beautiful rose, but it was God who did it.......not me. A hard lesson. We have to trust in His perfect way and know that is is "YOUR WILL BE DONE, NOT MINE!"
We have woes, sorrows, joys and happiness. But most of all we have GOD and we need to let go. Don't place it on the altar Sunday morning or daily during prayer time --- then pick it up again as you leave the altar or finish the prayer time. Ask in His name, and if it is in His nature or will - it will be done!
Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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