
Monday, December 30, 2013

I am the bolt, HE is the master!

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
      Last night was quite interesting with visions dancing, no not sugar plums, in my mind.  All of a sudden, this came to me and I do believe it was of God.  I struggle all the time with my heart, my mind, and to be Christ like in what I do. is what came to me early this morning.
     I am like a bolt (or screw), which can do nothing in and of itself, without the help of the master. (master being the one using the bolt)  Now this bolt has threads on it and can attach to anything that has like threads.  But, what was this bolt made for?
    This bolt, when picked up by the master (who knows what the bolt is made or designed for), can be placed in the area that has the threads.  This bolt will not just jump into place, but has to be picked and placed, then with a slight twist to the right (usually) take hold and is ready to be tightened.
    God has picked us (the bolt) and placed us where HE wants us (opened our heart to salvation-Jesus).  With a slight turn to the right we begin our journey.
    Now, a bolt is not just put in, cranked on and tightened with no thought.  This bolt has a specific purpose, and what is that purpose?  It may be to hold something in place so all will work correctly or for all to see.  As the bolt is continually turned it begins to tighten, but it is not tight.
   This is how we are spiritually.  We, the bolt, are picked by the master, placed in the right position, and slowly taught more about Jesus, salvation, God, and the Word (aka Bible).  At first we are loose and understand a little, but a lot more to learn.  As the bolt, we have to be tightened, and we are not just a bolt to be a bolt, but, as mentioned before we have a specific purpose.  Let us say it (the purpose) is to hold something in place. 
    The threaded area is the Bible, and the deeper we go, the more we learn.  Just as the deeper a bolt goes the tighter it becomes. The master, God, can tighten us by hand to a point.  Then, when He has us prepared for the final journey, He uses a wrench to completely tighten us, holding in place what we were designed to hold for others to see.  Now, what others should see is what I am holding in place.  This is planting of seeds.  When others see what I am holding in place, and they admire it, they do not say, "Wow, what a wonderful bolt that is", but they give praise to the master for the masterpiece HE has created.
   To me,  this is what our life is like,  I need to be the bolt (or the screw) that holds in place what God has designed me to do.  I know my journey, here on earth, is drawing to an end.  I want to hold in place as many things as possible (plant seeds) so when I finish my journey and rejoice in paradise with God, I will be able to hear Him say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."  
    I pray this makes sense to you all.  I would enjoy your comment or phone call about this journey I took in my mind during my sleep and relaxation with God at the helm.  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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