
Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Are you a threat to the devil? Revelations 3:14-22

Good morning all!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Today, a little straying from what we have been studying and some thoughts to stimulate your thoughts and possibly you -  spiritually.
   In Revelations this is a letter to Laodicea, a wealthy city named after Antiochus II's wife - Laodice.  It was a city of great size, trade and wealth, specializing in the manufacturing of wool.  In later years it was a Christian city of importance and was the residence of a bishop as well as the meeting place of church councils.
   Pride and self-satisfaction characterized the people and made their impression on the church as well.  The city was destroyed by the Muslims in the Middle Ages and today is only a mass of ruins. Now understand the church of Laodicea was filled with lukewarm "Christians" who think they are perfect, yet they have nothing to be commended about.   
         15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
    16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
   Wow!! Strong words from Jesus!! There is no zeal for God! None!   No fear of, nor respect for God!  In Laodicea they did many great works and projects in the name of humanitarians, but the saving grace of the gospel was never involved.  There is indifference toward Christ. Hot - Cold - Lukewarm.  When you choose a beverage to drink if your cold drink is lukewarm you may spit it out or throw it away; if your hot drink, say coffee, is not hot you may do the same.  This is what Christ is saying about you, me, us Christians.
    This is not a loss of salvation, but removal from a place of witness and left to endure the tribulations that may come its way.  This is the world of many Christians -- many are self-satisfied and self-complacent.  So, guess what, "da devil ain't worried about these people, cuz they ain't no threat to him".  
    Is this you?  Are you a threat to the devil?  Do you witness; share the saving grace of Jesus Christ?  Do you know that the trouble with Christianity is about 80% of the Christians ARE NOT A THREAT TO SATAN!!!!
    Lukewarm - that is the problem.  I challenge you today, right now, to do something for the LORD!  Pray, witness, share, carry a Bible, wear an outward sign of being a Christian, do something for GOD!  Are you lukewarm- only to be spewed from the mouth of the Lord?  Stand up Christian! Now, go do the right thing.  Thank you for reading.  Here is all the scripture for Rev 3:14-22.
  In Christ's Love and Grace


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