
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Don't wait! ESCAPE!!!

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!!
   Well, at this time Herod talked to 3 wisemen, who are going to bring gifts to the King of Jews in Bethlehem.  Herod is being deceptive, yet God warns the wisemen to return home another way.
    Okay, the wisemen left and Joseph is visited by an angel of the LORD.  This angel says he must escape, flee to Egypt for the safety of the child.  Joseph has been visited by an angel before in the case of Mary being with child, yet he had not laid with her.  He listened.  This time, he listened as well.  Joseph's heart was right and receptive to God's word.  Hmmm!  Is yours?
   Anyway, that very night Joseph took Mary and the child and left for Egypt.  Well, back to Herod.  The wisemen did not return.  His sneaky idea was to fain wanting to worship the King of Jews, and then kill this person who may be a threat to him.   The wisemen, who obviously had their hearts right with God, were visited in a dream by God and told to return home on a different route.  They did!
   Now remember, Bethlehem was only about 5, maybe 6 miles from Jerusalem.  It did not take long, but when Herod realized he was outwitted by the "wisemen" (via God's dream) he did what all good dictator type rulers who are prideful would do.  Yep!  He remembered the information the wisemen had given him about when they first saw the star; he sent soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the boys in or around Bethlehem who were two years old and under.  Why?
   Why?  Herod was prideful, did not want to be threatened in any way of losing his position of power.  So, if he killed 'the child', whom we call Jesus, he would remain in power as long as he desired.  Joseph fled to Israel.  Now there is an interesting parallel; God led the infant nation of Israel to Egypt, then God led Israel out of Egypt.   Now, God is sending infant Jesus to Egypt, and God will bring Jesus back out of Israel.  
   Herod did not understand the reason for Jesus.  It was not to 'TAKE HIS THRONE', but to be ever present in Herod's life.  Jesus came to offer eternal life, not take away the present life.  Yes, Jesus will change our present life, we will travel a different and much greater path when following Jesus. We must not fear Jesus, but let Jesus take the throne of our life, aka eternal life.
   Herod's vicious act of murder fulfilled God's word spoken by Jeremiah:  "A cry was heard in Ramah- weeping and great mourning.  Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted, for hey are dead." Tomorrow I will speak more to Jeremiah's word.  Today, is Jesus the King of your life?  Does He reside on the throne of your kingdom?  Where is Jesus to you today?  Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace


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