
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Work a mission field? Ecclesiastes 5:19

Good morning everyone!!! I hope this is a great day in the Lord for you all!! Yesterday was much better than I deserved!!! It was my birthday and many of you knew this and wished me well.....Thank you so much.
Have you considered your work? The place you receive a paycheck!!! God created work from the very beginning. With Adam and Eve in the garden...they were not there to just sit back and be served. They were there to enjoy but to do work in picking the fruits of the vine or harvesting. However, when they ate of the forbidden fruit....hard work became the norm as they angered God.
We may say I don't enjoy my job, I want to find another job where I can enjoy my work and spread the gospel as Jesus tells us to do. Wait!!! How do you know you need to change jobs? Are you in your mission field??
Ecclesiastes 5:19 "TO ENJOY YOU WORK AND ACCEPT YOUR LOT IN LIFE-THAT IS INDEED A GIFT FROM GOD." Are you enjoying your work???? Have you considered it a gift from God??? Or are we intent on complaining??? Look around you----you are surrounded by your mission field!!
Colossians 3:17 "AND WHATEVER YOU DO OR SAY, LET IT BE AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE LORD JESUS, ALL THE WHILE GIVING THANKS THROUGH HIM TO GOD THE FATHER." Your goal should be to work in such a way that you are a good representative of Christ.
Proverbs 12:11 "HARD WORK MEANS PROSPERITY; ONLY FOOLS IDLE AWAY THEIR TIME." Hard work usually brings forth the fruit of prosperity and success. We need to work hard and do our very best as we are being watched constantly. Do people in your mission field (work) know you are a Christian? Or do you keep it quiet and do so in secret?? Boldly go forth with the word of God....proclaim the good news. Thank you for reading. Love you all!!!
In Christ's Love and Grace


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