Good morning! May this be a glorious day in the LORD Jesus Christ! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! It is quite interesting how the words of the Bible relate so well to us today. What a great book, God's word.
Micah 7:3 "Their hands are skilled to do evil; the official and the judge ask for a bribe, and the powerful dictate what they desire; thus they pervert justice."
Take time to read Micah 7 - very interesting. The powerful dictate what they desire. This goes back to a changed golden rule - he who has the gold makes the rules. The abuse of power is a central concern in Micah's message. Micah laments the spread of corruptions from the powerful to friend and family. Did Micah look ahead to America today?
Sometimes the power of the media is stronger than the power of the family. So many terms, change in attire, and worse - a change in attitudes toward one another. What are we to do? It is more important that we go forth and spread the word of the gospel and be bold in our stand for God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit.
We need to stand up and call for "mishpat" a Hebrew term which means justice, fairness. Thank you for reading today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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