Innocent or in a storm on condemning?

Good morning!! I hope all is going well with you today. Yesterday was a great day in the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!!
James 5:6 "You have condemned and killed innocent people, who do not resist you."
What? Not me! "Innocent people" refers to defenseless persons, probably poor laborers. Poor people who could not pay their debts were thrown in prison or forced to sell all their possessions.
At times they were even forced to sell their family members into slavery. With no opportunity to work off their debts, poor people often died of starvation. God called this murder. Hoarding money, exploiting employees, and living self-indulgently will not escape God's notice.
Now just stop and think. How far have we evolved from this ancient position? Some sell their children into sex slavery called pornophraphy, some are homeless, some are so poor they can't feed their family, and what do we do? Really do? Do we help or do we stay in our comfort zone and pretend it does not happen?
How many have we condemned and killed simply by turning our back on them, their needs, and took care of our wants? Thank you for reading today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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