Do you have goals? Plans? Is God a part of them?

Good morning!! Just taking a short break! Great words from God!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.
James 4:13 "Look here, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profits.""zzIt is good to have goals, but goals can disappoint us if we leave God out of them. There is no point in making plans as though God does not exist because the future is in his hands.
The beginning of good planning is to ask: "What would I like to be doing ten years from now? One year from now? Tomorrow? How will I react if God steps in and rearranges my plans?
What would you do? Thanks for reading, and continue to praise God. It is easy when things go well, but do you praise God when things go bad? Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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