Holy Living? Holy Living!!!

Good morning everyone!! What a wonderful day to be alive in the LORD JESUS CHRIST!! GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!!! Wow! God takes care of us, even when we don't take care of ourselves. Isn't it great to have a loving caring heavenly Father? All I can say is thank you God!!!
1 Peter 1:13 "So think clearly and exercise self-control. Look forward to the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world."Stop, think clearly - are you thinking worldly or spiritually? Exercise self-control: since you are a child of God you should do allow God to work in you life and show self restraint. Self restraint in what? Eating, drinking, talking, working, in all phases of life. We are an example of Christ and our body is a temple. Stop, take a moment and reflect, is your example something people will want to follow? Is you body the type of temple people will look at with awe, or with awwww?
We should be looking forward to our salvation that Christ gave us when He came as man, and rejoice knowing that when He returns, with great triumphant, our salvation is complete. We will then spend our days, eternal days, praising God and living a wonderful life being with God in heaven. Wow! What more can be said!
I love God! God has taken fabulous care of me! Yet, I do not go to my knees enough, I do not praise God enough, I do not Stop, Drop, and Pray enough, I do not have enough quiet times with God! Yet, He still loves me and cares for me. Thank you God! Thank you Jesus! Thank you for reading with me. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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