Is your trust in man or GOD?

Good morning everyone!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! God is in control! I hear pros and cons on our 2 presidential candidates. If you are truly concerned do the research, find out what is TRUE, and who is best for a CHRISTIAN nation and vote accordingly. Even after this, please remember, politics is not worth losing a friend over, offending family or neighbors, because in the end GOD IS IN CONTROL!! Democrats are not right....Republicans are not right.....GOD IS RIGHT! Truly, I am tired of the political arena, we have enough to worry about.
Worry about what? Saving lives! Tell someone about Jesus Christ! Do you talk about Jesus as much as you do politics? The people running are only men! They WILL LET YOU DOWN, DISAPPOINT YOU, ANGER YOU, and will only offer you WORDS!
GOD offers salvation through his Son, JESUS CHRIST!! Place your faith in God, mention God or Jesus each time you mention JM or BO! See how that works in your day.
I am not trying to offend anyone, I don't put my faith in the political system, the only truth I do get is from GOD! Did you read your Bible today- or too busy seeing what the candidates did? Did you speak to God...or talk to someone about the candidates? Where are your priorities? Let them be with GOD!!
I'll end with this: Romans 12:8 "If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging......" Take time to read Romans 12:6-21. Thank you for reading. Love you all. Romans 12:17 "Never pay back evil with more evil..."In Christ's Love and Grace
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