Sinful---Deveptive--NOT ME!

Good morning! A fine day it is!! Wow! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! A short political note - I am so glad we have all these "experts" who tell us after a debate what we heard. It is strange how we all hear the same thing but if you listen to a democrat you get one slant, then listen to a republican you get another slant, so obviously what we hear must be wrong. Just remember, an "expert" (ex....pert) is simply a drip under pressure.
1 Peter 2:22 "He (Jesus) never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone."
Todays lesson made me think of the debate. The candidates say and manuver their words to help their plight. How often do we do this? We tell the truth, but maybe not ALL of the truth. Leave out a few facts. Is this deceptive?
Jesus never sinned, we were born in sin. Can we excape sin? Yes, through the blood of Jesus WE ARE WHITE AS SNOW!
Pray that God will lead you, keep your eyes focused on our Heavenly Father, and stay in communication with the Father.....PRAY. Thank you for reading today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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