We are foreigners and have to battle!

Good morning everyone!! What a wonderful day to worship and praise God once again. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. We are still at war - the spiritual war and the worldly war.
There are so many "good things" out there that tempt us. A little alcohol once in a while won't hurt, just social drugs, porn once in a while is not bad, cussing to show you are the boss-in control- or just cool. Even this, the internet, taking away our time from God and the Bible. All these things dangle out there, tempting us, looking more exciting.
1 Peter 2:11 "Dear friends, I warn you as "temporary residents and foreigners" to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls."
Our real home is with God. Heaven is not the pink-cloud and harp existence popular in cartoons. Heaven is where God lives. Life in heaven operates according to God's principles and calues, and it is eternal and unshakable.
The Kingdom of Heaven came to earth in the symbolism of the Jewish sanctuary, the Tabernacle and Temple, where God's presence dwelt. It came in a fuller way in the person of Jesus Christ. "God with us," it spread through the entire world as the Holy Spirit came to live in every believer.
Our true loyalty should be to our citizenship in heaven, not to our citizenship here, becaus the earth will be destroyed. Our loyalty should be to God's truth, his way of life, and his dedicated people. When we are loyal to God, we will often feel like strangers in a world that would prefer to ignore God.
Thank you for reading with me today. Love you all. Put on your armor and go forth. Be bold! Fight the good fight! Tell someone about Jesus TODAY!!
In Christ's Love and Grace
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