Are ye humble said the master?

Good morning everyone!! Another wonderful day to worship God! It is cool and breezy here in East Texas. Brrr! But the sun is shing and God's rays of light are bright.
1 Peter 5:6 "So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor."
Huh? The right time? We often worry about our position and status, hoping to get proper recognition for what we do. Peter advises us to remember that God's recognition counts more than human praise.
God is able and willing to bless us according to his timing. Humbly obey God regardless of present circumstances, and in his good time-either in this life or in the next - HE will honor you.
But I need help now! Be patient, be humble, your NEEDS will be met by God! Stay in prayer, stay in contact with God, talk to him constantly. Thank you for reading. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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