
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Years is coming - any changes?

Good morning everyone!!! Another great day to just say ‘THANK YOU LORD!” God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Yesterday I began by mentioning the upcoming New Years resolutions we tend to make and break. Also, we read John 2:13-25 when Jesus went to Jerusalem, was angered by what was going on in the temple, and told them “destroy this temple and I will rise it in 3 days.” Of course, they were seeing only the physical building and we know Jesus was talking about himself.

I posed a question,: “Are you angered when the “church” (you) are degraded by actions and what is going on in churches today?” Now, we can be petty, you know the “I think……….” But here I am talking about the actions of churches, i.e. should gays fill the pulpit? Not all of the Bible is really true! The Bible does not really mean what it says, what it really means is……….. I like a preacher who makes me feel good about being good.

We go back to WWJD (what would Jesus do), this has become a cliché however, think about the true meaning.

New years resolutions: lose 20 pounds, be nice to my spouse, no more road rage, go to church more, quit drinking bad drinks (i.e. cokes, alcohol, caffine laden drinks, etc), be a really good person.

These are all fine, however, to do these things we are looking at a lifestyle change. Yes, a lifestyle change, completely performed by me (you) with an attitude change. Can, or will this happen? Yes, temporarily!

My body, your body is a temple. If Jesus came to your temple would he praise you for such a clean temple? Would you freely and openly invite Him in now? Is your temple indeed, an honor to God, for God, and led by God?

My new years resolution is to be more Christ-like! With Jesus in control my lifestyle will change, I will lose weight, I will be a good person, I will because HE will, and I surrender. Now, you hold me accountable, ask me about my weight, ask me if I am drinking more water, ask me if I have road rage, tell me if my attitude is not Christ like. HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE!! PLEASE! Thank your for reading with me today. Love you all!

In Christ’s Love and Grace


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