
Thursday, February 26, 2009

I go to church to............

Good morning everyone!! I trust your Ash Wednesday was great! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

Please finish this sentence: "I go to church to .........."

Do you go to church for the music? Do you go to church for the preacher? Do you go to church to see what the pastor is wearing? Do you go to church to see what others are wearing? Do you go to church as a social gathering? To see friends? Just why do you go to church?

What makes Christianity attractive? It is easy to be drawn to churches because of programs, good speakers, size, beautiful facilities, or fellowship. People were attracted to the early church by expressions of God's power at work; the generosity, sincerity, honesty, and unity of the members; and the character of the leaders.

Where are we today? Are we missing something? God wants to add believers to his church, not just newer and better programs or larger and fancier facilities. I realized early this morning....My main force moving me to church is to do media, feel accepted, and study God's word.

Church is a house of prayer! This is why I should come, to be prayerful, seeking God's will for me, and constantly seeking God's guidance. Are you prayerful when you go to church? I can now can say I go to church to pray, to seek God's guidance and be in obedience to God.

For lent, I will be giving up "my time" and spending more time in prayer with God in the mornings, mid-day, and evenings. God answers prayers, so why don't we stay in continual prayer? Thank you for reading today. Look at Matthew 5:12-42. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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