Why worry? part 3
Good morning everyone!! Another great day to be alive in the Lord Jesus Christ!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Okay, part 3 of Why Worry?
Worry is a concern for believers because it separates us from God. That person or situation that we worry about usually occupies our first thought in the morning as we get up and our last thought at night as we fall into bed. In between, the concern nibbles and gnaws at us, intruding on our quiet and destroying our peace. Worry can disturb our sleep and give rise to troubling dreams. As our brain scurries down one pathway after another, looking for a solution to our dilemma, awareness of God can become lost in the maze of our worry. Even as we hold our concern before God in prayer, we may find ourselves moving from a dialogue with God to an internal monologue of worry and fretting.
Like the song, "Don't worry.....be happy!"
Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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