Failure!! How do you handle it?
Good morning all! Another great day to be alive in Jesus! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!
Failure! How do you respond to failure? Joshua 7:7 "Then Joshua cried out, "Oh, Sovereign LORD, why did you bring us across the Jordan River if you are going to let the Amorites kill us? If only we had been content to stay on the other side!"
Joshua first went against Ai, he did not consult God, but relied on the strength of his army to defeat the small city. Only after Israel was defeated did they turn to God and ask what happened.
Too often we rely on our own skills and strength, especially when the task before us seems easy. We go to God only when the obstacles seem too great. However, only God knows what lies ahead. Consulting him, even when we are on a winning streak, may save us from grave mistakes or misjudgments. God may want us to learn lessons, remove pride, or consult others before he will work through us.
Hiding your needs from God is ignoring the only one who can really help. God welcomes your honest prayers and wants you to express your true feelings to him. Any believer can become more honest in prayer by remembering that God is all-knowing and all-powerful and that his love is everlasting.
Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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