Revelation 5:9-10
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!
Revelation 5:9-10 "And they sang a new song with these words: "You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seals and open it. For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God and they will reign on the earth.""
People from everywhere are praising God before his throne. God's message of salvation and eternal life is not limited to a specific culture, race, or country. Anyone who come to God in repentance and faith is accepted by him and will be part of his Kingdom. Don't allow prejudice or bias to keep you from sharing Christ with others. Christ welcomes all people into his Kingdom.
The song of God's people praises Christ's work. He was killed, ransomed them with his blood, gathered them into a Kingdom, made them priests, and appointed them to reign on the earth. Jesus has already died and paid the penalty for sin. He is now gathering us into his Kingdom and making us priests. In the future we will reign with him. Worship God and praise him for what he has done, what he is doing and what he will do for all who trust in him. When we realize the glorious future that awaits us, we will find the strength to face our present difficulties.
The believers' song praises Christ for bringing them into the Kingdom and making them kings and priests. While now we are sometimes despised and mocked for our faith, in the future we will reign over all the earth. Christ's death made all believers priests of God- the channels of blessing between God and people. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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