Criticism got you down? Pray it away!
Good morning all! Tis a rainy day here, lightening, thunder, however, God is good all the time, all the time God is good!
Please take time and think about this today. Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength."
To be cheerful is to be ready to greet others with a welcome, a word of encouragement, an enthusiasm for the task at hand, and a positive outlook on the future. Such people are as welcome as pain-relieving medicine.
There are some who share unkind words, criticize, snicker and if we allow it to consume or control us, we are being abused. This strikes at our identity, our self worth, our self-esteem, and lets us walk in a ditch of shame. Why?
You are a child of God, hold your head up high, pray for the person with the cutting words, respond only with prayer. Anothers unkindness is no reason for us to lower our standards. All must take responsibility for our actions, no matter what other people do. Then we will feel good about ourselves and we won't take the insults, cutting remarks or criticism personally. May you go forth today with a cheerful heart. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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