Revelation 6-7 Questions
Good morning! God is good all the time,all the time God is good! Okay, sorry for the delay, back to Revelations. Here are some questions to help get back on track.
1. The first seal depicts a time of worldwide peace. How will this aid in lulling the people of earth into a false sense of security? (Dan. 9:24-27; 1 Thess. 5:3)
2. What kind of judgment did the breaking of the second and third seals unleash upon the earth? (Dan 11:36-45; Mark 13:7,8; Luke 21:9)
3. What will be the results of the breaking of the third, fourth, and fifth seals?
4. What did John see when the sixth seal was broken?
Your quest, should you accept it, is to look at these questions, use your Bible, and create an answer that you understand. This will not self destruct in 10 seconds. Have a safe mission. lol
In Christ's Love and Grace
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