
Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Good morning everyone!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. What a great time to be alive and work for the kingdom of God.

No! We are not tortured, imprisoned, beat as was Paul, John, and the disciples. Not physically anyway. However, tortured - we have to be politically correct. We cannot speak freely about Christianity in most work places. Does this bother you? This hurts my soul.

Imprisoned! We are imprisoned in the fact we are not freely open to speak our peace. If you speak against homosexuality, not the person, just the act (sin), then we are not engaging in "hate crime." Who says? ACLU, the courts, politicians. Yet it is okay to openly denounce Christianity.

Beat? We are constantly beat daily! Do you stand up for your Christian principles, do you tell people you will pray for them, do you invite people to church? If not, why? Is it because you may be ridiculed or put down? We must stand up for Jesus!

E R O S I O N ! This is what we are experiencing. What is erosion? Erosion slowly but consistently whittles away over time. Look at the "Father knows best" shows of today. There is sex, language, and unacceptable actions. Slowly, methodically, consistently, over a period of time.

WATER: There are 2 types of water. There is water that keeps you alive; there is living water. Where do you dip your cup? Water that keeps you alive is as an ocean, it is there, it is a constant, and there is a slow, continual wearing away. (You are dying).

Living water: this is the water of Jesus Christ. This brings forth life everlasting; we are in training for the hereafter. Where do you dip your cup? In the water to keep you alive; or the living water?

Erosion is a natural process and occurs at a greater rate on barren land than that covered with vegetation. Are you barren? Are you covered with vegetation (Jesus)?

John 7:38 Jesus said, "Anyone who believe in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'"

Love you all!

In Christ's Love and Grace


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