Matthew 12:36 What did you say (think)?
Good morning all! Another great day to worship JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD!! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. A great Sunday, yesterday. We had snow coming down in Tyler, Tx and my sister in Colorado had a sunny day. Global warming??
Matthew 12:36 "But I say unto you, that every idle words that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." These words are from Jesus.
Now what is this telling us? Jesus is saying that on the day of judgment the LORD will consider every man's life in its entirety, even every idle word, not necessarily evil) come from the overflow of the heart. Only God is capable of recording, evaluating, and rendering a verdict on this.
Stop and think about the idle words, whether spoken or passing through you mind, you let come forth. Mine biggest one is while I am driving, a driver does something I don't think they should and I tend to mentally, sometimes orally, call them a moron, idiot or jerk. And as soon as I do, I realize and ask God to help me clean up my heart. Of course there are other items, but I am asking God's help in keeping my thoughts healthy and God-worthy.
It is a tough battle as satan strikes us in our weak areas. Today, before you go out please pray for yourself, everyone on this list, ask for forgiveness and guidance in each and every step you take today. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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