Samson? or Sin? Judges 16
Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Have you looked around lately just to see what is really going on in the world? Is this the world God truly wants for us?
Moral compromise! This is where we are today. Is it unique? No, not even close. Think about the strongest man ever in the world, Samson. Samson was the master at compromise, to walk in both worlds--the spiritual and the evil.
Did Samson just turn to the dark side? No! Samson toyed with sin, and this sin had a name, Delilah. She "loved" Samson, loved him for what? A sum of money! She wanted only to get the secret of his strength; he wanted only her love, a Philistine woman.
Too often we compromise our values given from God. Look at our churches today, some do not and will not teach the crucifixion of Christ because it is "too bloody, too gruesome." Yet we will watch, or let our family watch TV with sex, violence, and corrupt language on it. X-boxes, Wii's, etc. with games of violence. Oh, but...... that should be Oh, bite the bullet, be the adult, do the right thing.
We will give ourselves over to sin, aka stupidity, and then we are easily deceived as the truth becomes blurry or not seen at all. Where are you? Stupid or Spiritual? Samson prayed, and in the end did God's work and killed more Philistines in the temple than he did in battle. Samson got right, prayed to do God's work. Judges 16 - example of playing with sin. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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