
Monday, July 19, 2010

Are you a new shoot, an alive root for Christ? Isaiah 11:1

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

Have you ever just stopped and thought about a root? The root of a little plant. What can a root do? We need to be as a root. Why, you ask. Well......

This past week while in the mountains of Colorado, walking various trails and looking at various sights, one in particular caught my eye. We went to view a waterfall that was nestled in the middle of huge rocks. The sign said that plants would find a small amount of soil, begin growing, and the roots would spread and break up the huge boulders.

Now think about a plant, its root system. It does not have only 1 root, but starts with one and multiplies to many. Here is something that can be crushed or torn out in a split second, yet it is powerful enough to break apart huge rocks which together form mountains. Wow! How powerful! That is what the word of God can do for you.

Isaiah 11:1 "Out of the stump of David's family will grow a shoot - yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root."

This is Jesus, the Messiah; from the stump, Judah, a new shoot would grow. He would be greater than the original tree and would bear much fruit. The Messiah is the fulfillment of God's promise that a descendant of David would rule forever.

In Matthew 17:20 Jesus tells us if we have the faith of a mustard seed we could say to the mountain move and it would move. Also, remember, the mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, but will grow to be a tree which will house birds.

From the seed or stump comes the new shoots (roots) which may grow and flourish. How are you doing as a new shoot, are you growing, breaking boulders for Christ, or letting your new shoot wither and die? Now is the time, go forth, grow and spread for the kingdom of God. Let's just pray that God will cleanse our hearts, make our body the temple of Christ, and let each word we say be part of the root system that flourishes for Jesus Christ, our LORD and saviour. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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