Titus 3:6 Thought, brought, wrought.
Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.
TITUS 3:6 "Which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour."
WOW!! What does this say? God very generously poured out the Holy Spirit on us.
Okay, how? Through Jesus Christ our Saviour!
You have been blessed of the Holy Spirit by God through Jesus. Would you lay your life down for your spouse, children, family, friends? This is what God did. Think about this for a moment. Some how the evil in the world has to be countered. But how, it runs rampant. So here is God's plan. Ready?
GOD thought it,
CHRIST brought it,
the SPIRIT wrought it!
Do you feel loved and blessed? You should, no greater sacrifice than a father to give up his son. Think about your salvation, your spiritual life, and the living example you display. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace
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