
Thursday, January 27, 2011

John 8:1-11 You without sin

Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

Did you take time to read John 8:1-11? Okay, everyone that did please raise you hand! Exactly what did these verses reveal? Please take time to read it and absorb the information therein.

John 8:1-11 a paraphrase. The Jewish leaders were trying to trap Jesus into violating Moses' law and brought forth a woman who was caught in the act of adultery, of which the penalty is death.

First, the Jewish leaders violate the law by arresting the woman without the man. The law required both parties to adultery to be stoned. Does this have the smell of a set up by the Jewish leaders? Yes should be your answer.

This was a trick against Jesus. Why? Because if Jesus said the woman should not be stoned, they could accuse him of violating Moses' law. If he urged them to execute her, they would report him to the Romans, who did not permit the Jews to carry out their own executions. So what happened?

First of all note in verse 6, Jesus stooped and with his finger wrote in the dust. The Jewish leaders were demanding an answer, Jesus stopped, stood up and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone." Wow!

The Jesus stooped down and began writing in the dust again. Upon hearing this, the leaders quietly slipped away, from the oldest to the youngest. Probably, the older men were more aware of their sins than the younger. Now, there is another assumption some theologians consider.

This would be only the second time God had written anything. The first was the Ten Commandments, and then Jesus, God, writing in the dust. Some theologians consider this writing to be of importance for various reasons. The one I think makes logical sense is that Jesus was writing the mens names and their sins in the dust. Each man seeing this had second thoughts.

Also, once written in dust, it would soon be trampled underfoot, and erased to be seen no more.

When the men left, Jesus said to the woman, "go and sin no more." Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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