
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Galatians 3:1,2 Is your faith tainted?

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

Yesterday in Galatians 2:3 we talked about by faith or by law. Let's look at Galatians 3:1,2 "O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? 2This only I want to learn from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?"

Paul is chastising the Galatians here. Why? Because they are allowing parts of the law to come into play and be joined with "Christianity." What? They are taking parts of the law to add to the grace and accepting of Jesus by faith. This reminds me of a saying I once read, to paraphrase, that goes: why is it people would rather believe the lie of a person they don't know than the truth from someone they do know?

As humans we read, we interpret, and then add to the Bible. If you look at the religions around and what do you find? You can't dance; there is no speaking in tongues; you have to be baptized by submersion; you can or can't have music; you can't have any alcohol; and on and on. Where are these listed in the Bible.

We tend to read, interpret, and then make a "rule" or "law of the church." How are you saved? By faith! Faith in who or what? Who! Jesus Christ. So why do we wish to be saved in the spirit and then walk in and with the world.

Standing on the promises (Bible) of Christ our King. Are you?
Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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