
Friday, August 26, 2011

Every nation has the government it deserves! Jeremiah 21 & 22

Good morning everyone. God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

Most every nation has the government it deserves.

Take time today to read Jeremiah 21 & 22. Judah has turned away from God, time is running out. Once they see this they call for Jeremiah and want him to intercede to God for them and stop the Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar, from taking over their land. The children of Judah are trying to make God an enabler.

Please come and help us and we will listen,yeah, listen only when they are in trouble. This relates to us in our lives, in our nation, in our world. God, our Father, was tired of Judah turning their back on Him, worshipping false idols, being greedy and dishonest, being unjust, and not helping the poor and needy. Then, when they are in to daddy. God's judgment came down on His children, just as we must do in our earthly walk.

Have you ever talked to a parent who had to kick their child out of the house; put or watch as that child went to jail; stood by to observe the punishment ordered by the courts? Those parents will tell you it is hard, it breaks their heart. This is what Judah did to God and we are talking about 600 years B.C.

Look around you today, in your community, your county, your state and your AMERICA! The same thing is happening. We, as a nation are sliding away from God. In chapter 22 of Jeremiah the people who fled Jerusalem would live, the ones who stayed in Jerusalem, doing the same things perished. Where are you today? Ready to flee and fight for God or remain and perish?

Our nation has the government it deserves. ACLU is alive and well and battling every step of the way. Stand up Christians for your rights. Love you. Tell someone about Jesus today. Turn back, America, to God!!!

In Christ's Love and Grace



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