
Monday, August 22, 2011

Sin filled or Son filled?

Good morning everyone! God is good all the time, all the time God is good. TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!

Well, how was last week? Sin filled or Son filled? Please take a moment to read Jeremiah 1 and absorb the words spoken there. In verses 14-19 God's promise to Jeremiah and to us is that nothing will defeat us completely; he will help us through the most agonizing problems. Face each day with the assurance that God will be with you and see you through.

Jeremiah 1:16 "I will pronounce judgment on my people for all their evil- for deserting me and burning incense to other gods. Yes, they worship idols made with their own hands!"

The people of Judah sinned greatly by continuing to worship other gods. God had commanded them specifically against this because idolatry places trust in created things rather than the Creator. Although these people belonged to God, they chose to follow false gods.

Many "gods" entice us to turn away from God. Material possessions, dreams for the future, approval of others, and vocational goals compete for our total commitment. Striving after these at the expense of our commitment to God puts our heart where Judah's was - and God severely punished Judah.

Soooo, who really is your God? The created? Or the creator? If the creator, do you take it seriously daily or just on Sunday? Oh, how we parallel so many ancient nations that became corrupt and are no longer. Now is the time to turn away from "gods", turn to GOD, pray and live a God worthy life. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace



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