
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Obedience or disobedience? Romans 5:19

Good morning all! God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
    So, dear friends, what is happening in your life this cold, windy, and overcast day in East Texas?  Yesterday the topic was God is with you and you shall prosper.  What did you think?
   What about obedience?  Huh? Take a look at Romans 5:19 "For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous."
  Take time to really look at this and break it down.  First, 'as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners,' now who do you think this is talking about?  Yep!  Adam! (tempted by satan)
   We want to give Eve credit for sinning (specially if you are male, lol), however, what it boils down to is simply this - "we want what we don't have and can't get."  The mystic of not having, yet yearning for.  Satan told 1/2 truths, luring in innocent victims.
    Satan thought he could overthrow and be "God" but he could not.  So what happens to us, humans, if we are in a disagreement with someone, we try to win others to our side and go against the one we are in disagreement with.  Politics is a good example - if you are an Obama person you see the good and try to win people over; inversely if you are not an Obama person you see the bad and try to win people over to be against.  Human nature.  Is it right?  No, but again, we were made sinners by one man's disobedience. And through this disobedience satan rules the earth and his disciples are constantly working to cause distrust, unbelief, doubt, hate in man--one to another.
    Contrary to this, 'by one man's obedience many will be made righteous,' which is talking about you and me, all because of one man named Jesus,- Jesus of Nazareth, the carpenter, God's son.  Jesus was obedient, went to the cross for you....for me....for our families and friends.  Do we still sin? Certainly, because we are human and have free will; but because of Jesus we can be forgiven....we are forgiven....and the only requirement is to FREELY ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR!!
   Doubt jumps in----that is satan; lust leaps upon you----that is satan; envy, coveting, unclean thoughts creep across our minds---this is satan; yet all we have to do is rebuke satan in Jesus' name, ask forgiveness and then continue WALKING IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS!
   Where are you today my friend?  Have you been lured to the dark side for a short jaunt?  OR, are you maintaining the faith and trusting in Jesus?  Life is tough, life is short, life with God is eternal. Love you all. 
In Christ's Love and Grace


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