
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What does it take for you to fear God? Jonah 1:8-16

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Okay, so let's recap.  God told Jonah to go to Ninevah; God knew these people were evil and Jonah did not think they deserved grace; Jonah jumped a ship going to Tarshish (the exact opposite way); then God created a big storm; lots were cast and it fell on Jonah.  OH, WHAT IS A FELLOW TO DO???
  The men on the ship asked Jonah many questions, among them "what evil have you done?"  "What is thine occupation? What country do you come from? Who are your people?"  Obviously, the men were concerned - Jonah almost got their ship torn apart by the raging storm.  Wouldn't you be concerned?
   Jonah told them he was a Hebrew, he feared God, and God had made the sea and the land.  At this point the men were even more terrified because they knew Jonah was running from the presence of the Lord.  They asked Jonah why he had done this?  What are they to do? How can they make the sea calm once again?
   Jonah said cast me over board because it was his fault the storm rose; the men did not want to do this as they tried to row toward land, but to no avail.  These pagan men now called out to the Living God not to take innocent men to their death, the Lord had done as He pleased.  At this point they took Jonah and cast him into the sea.  Well, guess what?  The sea "ceased from raging"; it stopped, all was calm.
    At this point the men in the boat gave thanks unto the Living God, feared the Lord, offered a sacrifice, and made vows to God.
   So, at this point what has happened.  Jonah was not obedient, the storm raged, Jonah was cast into the sea, the sea calmed, Jonah is in the water, and the men now fear God, offered sacrifices and made vows to God.  
    God will take our disobedience, turn it into good, however, you/I will suffer the consequences of our actions.  The men on the ship now fear God, Jonah is in the water, and what does God have in storm next for Jonah?  
   Friend, don't let your disobedience affect others-you paying the consequences; but, let your obedience offer you smooth sailing for others to see God in you --affecting them as well.  Today, may your waters be calm, your sails full, and your course steady. Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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