
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hosea and Gomer, the Saga continues Hosea

Good morning all. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!
   Hosea, married Gomer, a woman committed to whoredom-- for what?  The things of the world....fine jewelry, linen, wine, clothing, etc.  She was selling her soul for the "good things" of life.  Yet, her husband sold his soul to the LORD.  Was this troubling for Hosea; you bet, his heart ached, he would cry out to God, why?  Oh, why would his wife betray him with other men this way.
    God was showing Hosea how Israel was treating Him, God.  He had delivered them out of bondage, into a land of their own, a land of milk and honey; yet, they were not satisfied and wanted more.  Worshiping Baal and other gods.  Why is it so easy to believe in other "gods" than to believe in the one, true, living God?
    It is made easy due to us being human.  We tend to want, desire the things of the world and forget what the basis of our life is --- G O D !!  We know what is true, we know what is right, we know what God wants for us, yet we seek the here and now tangible satisfying things.  We have a misconception of our needs compared to our desires.
    Yes, the "good" things of the world do, many times, make life easier or more exciting; BUT, are they NEEDS????  We know in our heart what is right and what is wrong; yet which road will we take?  Gomer, Hosea's wife knew the difference in the two roads, yet chose the road of whoredom to gain possessions of the world.  They had a son,  God told Hosea to name his son Jezreel.  Jezreel comes from two Hebrew root words meaning "God will sow".  The valley of Jezreel has a varied history - click this link to know more.  
   Many things happened in this valley, some evil and sad; some victorious for God.  Gomer now had a son named Jezreel, yet she was not satisfied.  This is many of us today.  We know in our heart what is right and what is wrong; yet we give in to the temptations to go to the "dark side" or wrong side.  So what did Gomer do.  She continued to sell her soul for the sole purpose of worldly goods.
   Hosea was faithful to his wife; she continued to be unfaithful to him.  This is what God is sharing with Hosea. How Gomer treats Hosea is how Israel treats God!  How do you treat God?  Food for thought. My mind is reeling today with so much from Hosea; I will continue to share on the morrow.   I woke this morning, knowing God and talking to God.  These song lyrics were resonating through  my mind: "Bless the Lord, O my soul
            O my soul
           Worship His holy name
           Sing like never before
           O my soul
           I'll worship Your holy name"    

 Love you all.
   In Christ's Love and Grace


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