
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Noah - Gen 5:29- 9:29

 Good morning all!!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!
  Well, the movie Noah is out, creating controversy with some, a great movie to others, and some don't even consider it.  My wife and I went to see the movie last night.  It is a "fun hollywood" movie; but if you are expecting it to be scriptural, well, parts of it are.
   It follows the Bible in the sense it is about Noah, God did speak to him, Noah built an ark, there was a flood.  Many things in the movie are not from the Bible and are created in the imagination of and to the pleasure of Hollywood to make a film that makes money.
  Some say there is only a few scriptures in the Bible dealing with Noah.  Try Genesis 5:29 - his birth - to chapter 9 when Noah, who became a husbandman and was drunk from his vineyard, and was covered by his sons.  Chapter 10 starts all the begats that came from Noah's sons.
   If you think about going to see it, remember, it is a Hollywood film, read the events about Noah in the Bible, and go to be entertained.
   Some Christians will be up in arms about this movie and the distortion of the Bible, yet they will not be upset if God's name is used in vain; they may go to see R rated movies, violence, cursing, and sex - and tell you how good this movie was.  Can you imagine the controversy when Charlton Heston was Moses in the Ten Commandments?  I would imagine many were upset when this came out.
   I read the Noah scriptures once again before and after the movie and do know the truth. If you go, please do the same.  Who was Noah's grandfather?  Love you all.
In Christ's Love and Grace


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