
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Why did God send Jesus to the earth? Was he mad at him?

Good morning everyone!  God is good all the time, all the time God is good.  TOO BLESSED TO BE STRESSED!!!
    Yesterday I visited about being unequally yoked.  Many of us are.  However, if you feel unhappy, dissatisfied in your marriage or relationship, just don't feel good about where you work, your friends, your life, etc.; then you may need to look into the mirror, talk to that person and include God in on the conversation.
    What is your purpose in life?  Do you know?  John 3:  16" For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
     Everyone knows this verse and it is important.  If you thought you could save the whole world would you sacrifice your oldest child?  Reach deep inside your soul and be honest -- would you?  
     The advantage God has is the fact that He knows the end result.  God knows that through JESUS the whole world has the opportunity to be saved.  God knows some will/ some won't; He knows who will and who won't.  So, why doesn't He (God) just pluck out the ones who will and live with them?   He can't. Why?  Because, God allowed us free will to choose Jesus (salvation) or satan (death by fire). 
   God places the offer on the table for everyone to have the opportunity.  John 3:17, to me, is as important as 16; however, most fail to mention it,  and many don't know it: 
17 "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

   God sent Jesus Christ in this world for you, so that through Him you might be saved!  When it becomes more personal we tend to listen to it better.   God did not send Jesus into this world to say you are evil, a bad person, and you can go to hell. No, NO, NO!  God sent Jesus into this world to say, believe on Me and you will be saved and have everlasting life.
    Now, I will meddle in your life some.  When you are out of your own comfortable little environment, do you have the opportunity to mention Jesus to others and don't?  Why?  If the Holy Spirit is your pilot, then you need to listen, heed, and follow His lead.
    Yeah, yeah, yeah!  You can give me the rhetoric that this is not you; it is difficult to speak to people out in public.  Baloney!  If the Holy Spirit is leading you, all you have to do is be there; let the Spirit take over and---waalaa--it is done.
    Don't just speak to the well dressed, outstanding looking citizen.  Speak to everyone.  Jesus did not go to the wealthy, well dressed, highly social and rich people; he went to the people who needed more, who were searching---the poor, the downtrodden, the sick, the lame.  He performed miracles.  You can do the same.  Maybe just a quick spoken word such as:  "MERRY CHRISTMAS" may make a difference in someone.
    Yesterday I spoke to a large man (5x type) who had tattoos, beard, and piercings.  I mentioned the cross tattoos he had.  His response: " I don't get anything but Christian tattoos"  "When I go to church people look at me and I usually have to sit away from everyone."   Wow!  Rejected in the house of who?????  House of God!!  Now, is that the Christian way?  His name is Philip, a name straight from the Bible and he is a Christian.
   Who are you?  Do you think Christ came in to this world to condemn; therefore you condemn when someone does not fit the "Christian image"?  Or, do you think Christ came in to this world not to condemn,but to save; therefore you offer the right hand of fellowship?  No gray area; just black and white.
   Enough rambling!  We serve an awesome God so, pray, open yourself to the Holy Spirit, and cast seeds forth--sharing the word of our living God.  Love you all. Merry Christmas Eve!!!
In Christ's Love and Grace


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