
Monday, July 10, 2006

Anger....Proverbs 15:18

Good morning everyone!!! How are you doing this fine Lord's day? You know everyday is the Lord's we act like it? Chances are NOT!! I do spend a lot of time on the road, driving, and this is a great time to meditate, pray, and just think things through. Yesterday, coming home from a family reunion in Amarillo I decided to take an alternate route and see if it was faster. Well, while cruising South on U.S. Highway 287 I was flowing with traffic at about 75 mph. Then when I turned onto Hwy 114 I was cruising and trying to catch up with the traffic, speed limit 60, and I was running 70. Well, wouldn't you know, a white pickup pulled out from a stop sign and slowly merged, meaning I had to slow down. My thoughts were...fool, what are you thinking, speed up or let me over. Well, I couldn't get around, I was not angry, just frustrated. Proverbs 15:18 "A QUICK-TEMPERED MAN STARTS FIGHTS; A COOL-TEMPERED MAN TRIES TO STOP THEM." This verse is telling us that the even tempered man is the one who carefully controls his emotions and is not prone to quarreling. A wrathful man stirs up strife wherever he goes. The man who is slow to anger is able to spread the oil of peace on strife laden situations. A year ago, I would have been flat out mad at this pickup.....why? To what good does this do? Nothing, nada, not, I have been working on the anger issue. Well, to finish, because I was behind this guy in the slow pickup, we drive about a mile and guess what we see? You got it.....a DPS officer who just finished giving a ticket to a motorist. Had I got around him I probably would have been next. Thank you Jesus for riding with me and taking care of me. Yes, I drove within the speed limit the rest of the way home. Don't anger....enjoy your day in Jesus. Love you all. Stop, Drop, and Pray.In Christ's Love and GraceJohnny


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