
Friday, May 25, 2007

Good and faithful servant

Good morning all!!! A wonderful day in the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Thanks for the unspoken prayers, I just ask that you continue to pray. Prayer is not always a one time item. When you have something troubling you be diligent and continual in prayer.
Luke 19 Jesus tells of the 10 servants, please reread this to refresh. Remember the 3rd servant brought back the original amount entrusted to him. Why was the king so hard on this man who did not increase the money?
1. He didn't share his master's interest in the kingdom
2. he didn't trust his master's intentions.
3. his only concern was for himself.
4. he did nothing to use the money.

God has given you gifts to use for the benefit of his Kingdom
Do you want the Kingdom to Grow?
Do you trust God to govern it fairly?
Are you as concerned for others' welfare as you are for your own?
Are you willing to use faithfully what he has entrusted to you?

A great parable from Jesus. Thank you for reading. Love you all!!

In Christ's Love and Grace



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