
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas or Xmas??? That is the question!!

Good morning everyone!! Yes, a lovely day to be alive in Jesus Christ,
our LORD and savior. God is good, all the time, all the time, God is

Okay, today, a little bit of soapbox and concern. Isaiah 53:7 "He was
oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led
like a lamb to the slaughter. And as a sheep is silent before the
shearers, he did not open his mouth.
In the old testament people offered animals as sacrifices for their
sins. Here, the sinless servant of the LORD offers himself for our sins.
He is the Lamb offered for the sins of all people. The Messiah suffered
for our sake, bearing our sins to make us acceptable to God.

What can we say to such love? How will we respond to him?

In Acts 8:32 The eunuch is reading scripture and not understanding,
Phillip explains and leads him to Christ.
Acts 8:32 "He was led like a
sheep to the slaughter. And as a lamb is silent before the shearers, he
did not open his mouth." The same as Isaiah. Now, I do apologize for
this being a little long, please bear with me.

We are in the "holiday season" which in the past, and Christians refer to as the Christmas season. There are stores who WILL NOT USE
CHRISTMAS, they skirt the issue and use generic terms like "holiday"
"season" "family tree"(Lowes) and on and on. Some do not allow bell
ringers at their stores. SOoooooo, what's the big deal?

Well, nothing if Christmas is simply Xmas to you. But if you keep
Christ in Christmas then it is a big deal! We, Christians, are
supporting the pulling away from Christ in Christmas when we remain
silent and do not speak up for Christ our Saviour. Just like the Bible
talks about Christ going to the cross.....who stood up for Jesus? Jesus
did!! Did Peter? Did any of the disciples?

Well, we are crucifying Christmas if we don't speak up. To not speak up is to support what is going on in the retail world. The retail world is very interested in $$$$$$$, not you and your saviour. We are crucifying Christ again by not speaking up. When we do not speak up against, then, by our silence we are standing for!! Think about that!

If a retailer polls 1000 people and 250 Christians speak up and oppose the generic and commercialism of Christmas, and 250 Christians are silent what does this tell the retailer?
It simply says 250 against -750 for!
They don't break it down to Christian and non-Christian.
The let the numbers speak: 1000 - 250 against = 750 for!

I have attached retailers from Dr. Dobson's Focus of the Family that will give you an idea of who are in the Xmas spirit and who are in the Christmas spirit

You can go to and click on the center
area about Christmas. Also, you can go to this address:

Well thank you for listening to me today. Spread the joy of Jesus, don'twatch Christmas be slaughtered and become Xmas! Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace

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