
Monday, November 12, 2007

What does your character reveal??

Top o' the morning to you! I hope this is a wonderful day in our LORD and saviour - Jesus Christ!!! Wow! Did you have a good or great experience over the weekend?? Many things happen and we wonder why. Stay in unity with the body of Christ - look for the good things!!

Okay, here are a couple of things to think about. John 17:10 "All who are mine belong to you, and you have given them to me, so they bring me glory." What is Jesus saying here? Have you thought about "they bring me glory."

God's glory is the revelation of his character and presence. The lives of Jesus' disciples reveal his character, and he is present to the world through them. Does your life reveal Jesus' character and presence??

Just stop and think before you get angry, before you shoot off your mouth without having your brain loaded, am I revealing Jesus' character and presence? When someone cuts you off in traffic, you cut someone off in traffic, is what you become angry about revealing Jesus?

It may be time to stop and reflect. Jesus prayed and still prays for us. We have much to be thankful for. My 13 year old nephew is in the hospital with a freak accident and has flash burns. Please pray for him - Houston is his name. Also, if anyone else has pray requests please send them and your request will be passed on to our prayer warriors.

Tomorrow, the second thought about Jesus prayer and desire for us. Thanks for reading. Have a wonderful, spirit filled day. Love you all.

In Christ's Love and Grace


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