Do you---pray earnestly? Listen earnestly?

Good morning to all!! A wonderful day to be alive in the LORD JESUS CHRIST!! How often do you stop and say "thank you JESUS?" Now is an excellent time. How strong is your faith in the LORD? Do you believe? OR, do you BELIEVE?
JAMES 5:17 "Elijah was as human as we are, and yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years!"
Elijah had earnest enough prayers no rain came. Are your prayers this earnest? Are your prayers really time with God? OR, just time spent sending up smoke signals and waiting nor expecting anything?
When we achieve greatly we are the closest to defeat. Think about this a moment? What begins to happen? In a nut shell our depending on God decides we can rely on ourselves.
Are you bold enough in CHRIST, as Elijah was in GOD, to have a showdown with priests of Baal and Asherah. Remember, we are never alone! God is always there. God speaks more frequently in persistent whispers than in shouts.
Are you listening? Are you believing? Is your prayer earnest? Take time for your father in heaven and enjoy the blessings He bestoys upon you. Thank you for reading! Prayer earnestly, listen intently. Love you all
In Christ's Love and Grace
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