Are you obedient and self disciplined?

Good morning everyone! Wow! Isn't God grand?? Who else could care for us the way God does! Thank you Jesus for dieing for us so we are dyed in the blood and made pure. God's hands are molding us.
1 Peter 1:14 "So you must live as God's obedient children. Don't slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desirs. You didn't know any better then."
Did you read those words carefully? 1-live as obedient children! Whose children? God's!! Then what? Don't fall back to the ways of the world! At one time you lived in the spiritual world and the secular world. We did know any different and what we did was "okay" we thought. Now we know better and don't need to fall back into the ways of the world.
We must be mentally alert or think clearly. We must be disciplined and exercise self-control. And we must focus on what is ahead, looking toward the end. Are you ready to meet Christ, are you living as God's obedient child?
Thank you for reading today? Love you all!
In Christ's Love and Grace
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